W T F ? Was my thoughts when this happened. An accidental test!
So a client came in to buy a cinema 60 by Marantz (retail R43000) but decided to listen to the Onkyo TX NR6100 (Retail R23990)just for shits and giggles..
Hitting it up with Enya - water shows the hidden heart
Followed by Madonna - La isla Bonita
Speakers uses Acoustic Energy AE 120 followed by Jamo C95 II
At first I thought my ears a deceiving me, I mean let me rather keep quiet and let the client hear what he needs to hear. But when the client told me the same thing I heard!
More bass and deeper bass, more clarity and better sound-stage, ON THE ONKYO!!!! SAY WHAT?
So then we both standing there shocked, thought - wait it has to be the speakers AE120 .
Connected them to a set of Jamo C95II , and "so waar as wragtig" the Onkyo still sounds better, and not just marginally, a lot!
Wow, I am still shocked, so much so that I had to write this post.
Yeah for all the non believer die hard Marantz fan boys who will call bullshit, come in and listen for yourself, I still cant believe it too!
Onkyo 6100

Amplifier Section
Power output (All channels) 210 W/Ch (6 ohms, 1 kHz, 10% THD, 1-ch driven)
100 W/Ch (8 ohms, 20 Hz–20 kHz, 0.08% THD, 2-ch driven, FTC)
Marantz Cinema 60

Power Output (8 ohm, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, 0.08% 2ch Drive) 100 W
Power Output (6 ohm, 1 kHz, 0.7% 2ch Drive) 140 W
Never underestimate the power of the underdog! These new Onkyo amps are top notch!